The exploration of the specifical patterns of relationship between workers and juvenile delinquents in the residential community-treatment institutions in Taiwan
Cho, Ya–Ping
There are three purposes in this study. These include, firstly the opinions of workers toward juvenile delinquent, secondly, the role function of workers in the residential community-treatment, and finally the specifical patterns of relationship between workers and juvenile delinquents in the residential community-treatment institutions. In this study, the qualitative research method was explored. Ten workers among five residential community-treatment institutions in Taiwan were selected and interviewed.
The main findings of this study include:
(1)Workers’ opinions accounting for juvenile delinquency could come from abnormal parental discipline, family discorganization, peer groups. Hence, there are several conselling and guiding goals designed to juvenile delinquents.
(2)The role functions of workers in the residential community-treatment institutions aim to to correct juvenile delinquents’ problematic behaviors, to change themselves maturally, to graduate from school, and to facilitate building sound self-esteem.
(3)The specifical patterns of relationship between workers and juvenile delinquents in the residential community-treatment institutuions include, the primary principle as power and authority. In addition, the attitude of caring, continuing acceptance and sincerity as another necessary principle.Difficulties that are encountered by the workers include, inexperience of workers, countertransference, role ambiguity, unrealistic expectations and quitting job.
Finally, the findings of this study have four suggestions:(1)The roles of workers in the residential community-treatment institutions need to be reinforced and clarified,(2)Reinforce the self- techniques of the workers,(3)The support and intervention from of the professional counseling advisors need to be introduced to assist workers,(4)Building sound Family structure and social work service are most important to assist and correct juvenile delinquents.
Keywords: juvenile delinquent, residential community-treatment, helping relationship.